Showreel, Portfolio, & Resume

  • Turtellini

  • Mechatical

  • Medieval Weapons

  • Astroknox

  • Mantis

  • Night Swim

  • Boxed In

  • The Twins

  • Frog Goblin

  • Neuro System

  • Compound Vision

  • Laundry & Taxes

  • Dracorex

  • Schematics

  • Marley

  • Suki

Stuart Huettel is a 3D Modeler & Generalist specializing in asset creation, environmental & character art currently based in Nashville, Tennessee.'s artistic process is a fusion of eclectic techniques to create cohesive concepts or expressions. His creations are juxtaposed along a spectrum of being entirely pointless art for art's sake, to highly didactic pieces attempting to convey an underlying truth.

His main artistic inspirations are science fiction, fantasy, horror, mental health, & human struggle.

  • Resume

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