Our Cooperative Vision

More and more the world economy is being dominated by conglomerated monopolies. Centralized power structures continue to out-compete smaller firms and accumulate larger and larger shares of the market.
Imagine a future where the conglomerated, socially worked production & distribution systems of "yesterday" are owned and operated cooperatively by the people who work to bring the system to life. Where major company decisions, such as board leadership or major financial decisions, can be made democratically for the benefit of all, not just who is able to invest the most financially. Where profits are shared equitably, and people's voices are heard.
Our business is pioneering this path. We started our journey a humble LLC, but aim to restructure as an LCA holding cooperative, as we see continued growth. Inspired by the "Obran cooperative model," the employees of our subsidiary companies each own a share of the holding company, ensuring equal ownership of the conglomerate. As we build capital, we are laying the foundation for a more equitable future, where decisions in the process of production and distribution can be planned by and for "the Demos," the masses.
One member, one vote, one firm.
One company cannot change an industry overnight, but by living our values today, we take one step closer to tomorrow's cooperative commonwealth. Where people and planet are valued over profit. Join us on this journey. The old model is crumbling. Together, we can build something better in its place.

Our Operating Structure

What exactly is workplace democracy? How can you operate at a large-scale while maintaining worker control of the business?

At neuro.studio, are partners are "worker-owners." They own a portion of the cooperative in equal proportion to all the other owning partners. This ensures equal voting rights for our elections, polls, and operations. To avoid democratic paralysis for smaller operational decisions in different departments of the cooperative, we rely on a series of worker's executive advisory committees.
These committees serve as permanent, voluntary communication & planning structures, open to any of our partners to join or leave at any time. Committees are created by general assembly votes, ensuring a path remains open for future operations of worker-owner interest. Each committee elects their committee director.

The elected directors serve to administrate the various activities of the committee and ensure that committee votes & decisions are executed efficiently & in coordination with the central cooperative operations across our other committees. Committee directors can create management roles within their committees as needed, as well as promote committee members to fill those roles.

Our committee directors form our Board of Directors, so that our Board can facilitate cross-committee action, central planning & communication, and set a central strategy for company direction under the guidance of their committees. Committee directors are recallable by a committee super majority vote.

In short, management & directors have strategy and operational decisions, while our partners have oversite of those managers and directors through our worker committees.

Setting the Stage

Our team of world class talent works together to bring you envelope pushing audio-visual real-time experiences:

  • Concerts
  • Festivals
  • Galleries
  • Immersive Spaces

By allowing our expert partners to manage their fields of expertise, we are able to throw events unburdened by unfit oversight and economic beaurocracy, creating more impactful moments for our fans. We believe in the power of art to connect, inspire, and uplift, and are committed to bringing that experience to our fans and friends.


A Sound Society

neuro.sound is the music group & label subsidiary of neuro.studio.

With a diverse catalog spanning various genres, neuro.sound pushes the boundaries of music and delivers unparalleled quality.

Join us and explore the future of music. Click the button below to discover our latest releases.

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The Pulse of Our Press

The Synapse is your hub for thought-provoking content and creative expression. We produce a vibrant print zine and an engaging online blog, offering a platform for diverse voices and innovative ideas.

Our print zine features curated articles, stories, and artwork on a wide range of topics, providing a tactile and immersive reading experience. Our online blog complements this with timely articles, interviews, and multimedia content.

Join us in celebrating the power of the written word. Click the button below to explore our latest issues and blog posts.

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Encore Enablers

Welcome to our talent agency, a proud subsidiary of our cooperative network. We are more than just an agency; we are a community of Artist Liaisons committed to nurturing and promoting talent in its purest form. Our Artist Liaisons, as we fondly call our agents, work closely with each artist, understanding their unique needs and aspirations.

We believe in fostering a collaborative environment where artists feel valued and empowered. As part of a cooperative, our Artist Liaisons are not just employees but stakeholders who share in our successes. This unique structure allows us to prioritize the needs of our artists, ensuring that their interests are always at the forefront of what we do. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to redefine talent representation, one artist at a time.


Designs that Deliver

We are a collective of creators, designers, and artisans dedicated to crafting merchandise that resonates with fans and supports our artists dream of providing their fans with high quality representation of their artwork. Our team understands the power of merchandise as a tangible connection between artists and fans, and we strive to create items that capture the spirit of the performances they commemorate.

This structure allows us to prioritize creativity and quality in our merchandise, ensuring that every item we produce is a work of art in its own right. Join us as we continue to push boundaries, creating wearable memories that will be treasured for years to come.


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