rom emanates from the primal genesis of the cosmos. A dual entity split into two distinct souls – Romrres and Rrombus, rom embarks on a transcendent journey across the universe, communicated through the medium of ethereal soundscapes.
From the farthest reaches of space, Romrres
and Rrombus commence their journey towards unification. Having spread their sonic odyssey at places like The Gorge Amphitheater, as well as venues all across Seattle, Los Angeles, and Albuquerque — They spread their grand narrative, depicting encounters with allies and adversaries, triumphs and losses, and moments of profound introspection.
The narrative of rom is not merely a cosmic tale but a mirror held up to the human experience. It echoes the emotions, conflicts, and resolutions each one of us grapples with in our own lives. In the rich tapestry of rom’s music, we don’t just find entertainment—we find a reflection of our collective existence.