
McKenna Reyne, known as greymage, is a well versed artist who specializes in creating edgy monochrome motifs and rugged halftime beats. They developed a unique style that merges elements of dark fashion, and wistful themes. One of the defining characteristics of Grey's work is their use of color. Each piece is crafted with obsessive attention to detail.

Spending time touring around the American bass music scene during 2018-2020 has inspired their strong desire to continue on with a career in a creative field post pandemic. With a strong passion for self-expression, fashion design also became a focus. They have continued with their background in music as a performer for the virtual audience within VRChat. Avatar building followed suit, and is currently the prominent mode of creation for Grey.

As Grey continues to play with new techniques and concepts, they expect more mediums to take focus over time. They strive to inspire others to see the world through a monochrome lens.

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